
Thursday, August 18, 2011

Tech Trails: Summer 2011

Tech Trails tracks summer plans of Caltech basketball players -- from SURFs (summer undergraduate research fellowships) to related work in the fields of math, science, and engineering.

Ethan Boroson '13: Intern, GLHN Architects and Engineers, Tucson, Ariz. -- "working on a combined heat and power system".

Arjun Chandar '13: Solutions Expert, Cramster, Miami, Fla. -- "writing a solutions manual for a mechanical engineering textbook".

Todd Cramer '14: Intern, Imagine Games Network (IGN), San Fransciso -- "media software engineering".

Christophe Kunesh '13: Intern, Flight Software Applications, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena -- "performing enhancements to the built-in validation capability of a tool for automatic validation of Soil Moisture Active-Passive Flight Software MagicDraw SysML and UML models".

Marcus Lucas '13: Intern, Fox Studios Digital Television Lab, Century City -- "research related to video image capture and signal processing".

Brian Okoro '14: SURF, Greer Group, Caltech Steele Lab -- "developing a super strong metal from nanoscale properties".

Alex Runkel '13: Researcher, Perception, Cognition, and Action in Humans, Caltech labs -- "remote stimulation of the brain using tDCS to induce increased performance and the encoding of reference dependent utility during effortful tasks".

Mike Paluchniak '14: Intern, Caltech Investment Office -- "compilation and analysis of financial and market data".